After an update of a ribbons to an Access database callbacks do not work as expected or errors may arise.
This is because the modules "basRibbonCallbacks" and "basGDIPlus" are not updated automatically. Follow these steps:
- Save the modul "basRibbonCallbacks" in your database.
- Delete the modul "basRibbonCallbacks" from your database.
- Save the modul "basGDIPlus" in your database.
- Delete the modul "basGDIPlus" from your database.
- Close your database.
- Open the RibbonCreator and load the ribbon from your database.
- Ensure on the Tab "Finish" that you have checked
- Copy "basRibbonCallbacks" to the database and
- Copy "basGDIPlus" to the database
- On the tab "Finish" click the button "Update Access Database "