With version 1.1016 of the RibbonCreator the module "basRibbonCallbacks" was adapted, and in the Ribbon XML the callbacks "getEnabled" and "getVisible" were added.
Public Sub GetEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef enabled) ' Callbackname in XML File "getEnabled" ' To set the property "enabled" to a Ribbon Control ' For further information see: http://www.accessribbon.de/en/index.php?Downloads:12 Select Case control.ID 'Case "ID_XMLRibbControl" ' enabled = bolEnabled Case Else enabled = True End Select End Sub Public Sub GetVisible(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef visible) ' Callbackname in XML File "getVisible" ' To set the property "visible" to a Ribbon Control ' For further information see: http://www.accessribbon.de/en/index.php?Downloads:12 Select Case control.ID 'Case "ID_XMLRibbControl" ' visible = bolVisible Case Else visible = True End Select End Sub